Thursday, July 9, 2009

The Detials: A Very Loney Journey

As you can imagine this is difficult. I spent the last hour (or more) writing in detail the events that lead to this point however, I could not post. Although therapeutic for me I feel it best in my case that the intimate details of my journey be best left to my private and personal journal.

However, I do feel it very appropriate to share my success and struggles in a more broad sense. Sharing the details of the how I view my pain, successes and life perspectives. As appose to the intimate details of my personal interaction with my wife. Really, the "methods" of a successful marriage is what's important here, not the "bloody details". I fear the intimate and personal details may only detract from the principles of my struggle to overcoming my life challenges and how to have joy in the negative. I know misery loves company and we as humans do find comfort in knowing we are not alone but some things are best not shared. I may nonetheless, share where I feel appropriate the personal interactions of my spouse and emphasize how to or not to handle certain situations.

If it sounds like I am overly cautious, its because I am. I like to believe I am a man of principles and core values. Never shifting or wavering, regardless of the situation. I still love my wife and always will. But no matter how frustrated I get or hurt I must not be willing to sacrifice my character.
So much for the bloody details, but I hope you will find value in the things I share....

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