Thursday, July 9, 2009

Inspired by Gigi...

Blogs saturate and congest the internet with surprisingly raw personal information. It has always been a wounder to me how easily people share their intimate thoughts and family details with the world. Especially with regards to family matters, which I consider very sacred and personal. It is fun nonetheless, to read the thoughts and daily events of friends and family but there seems to be such a fine line of how much should be shared. President Gorden Hinkley of the LDS (Mormon) Church once commented after his biography was published that he felt very little was now remaining private to his family. There is a great risk of devaluing ones family and experiences with broadcasting them to the world.

With the fear of devaluing cherished family memories I have hesitate with great caution sharing anything more then resent vacation pictures and things of that variety. The very thought of sharing great joys as with great struggles online was furthest from my mind just a day or two ago. However with some irony I found myself desiring to find someone who with my values and similar family struggles to help with my overcoming these struggles.

Today, a close friend sent me a link to a site I found inspiring, encouraging and very comforting.

Gigi, the author takes an anonymous and very personal journey through her personal life and marriage and how she is handling an unfaithful husband. I too am struggling with this same, very unfortunate issue with my dear wife. Gigi's blog brought insight and comfort to me and thought her perspective is a deeply rare and fortunate strength that is needed in this time of unimaginable, very real and destructive war that the adversary is waging on the family.

For this reason I feel I need to disband my current philosophy of sharing my personal struggles. I hope that I may join the rightous fight to protect marriage and the principles albeit, strange to the world very crucial to eternal perspectives and family. Gigi... may I join in your fight for righteous eternal perspectives, may we endure happily to the end.

Gigi, thank you very much for sharing your personal struggles. Like a testimony given in church (Mormons, once a month have an opportunity to share there testimony of Christ in front of a congregation with the attempt to lift and strength their fellow church goers in the faith of Christ), I am fining a strength and encouragement from your words. Thank you.

1 comment:

  1. Peter
    I thank you for your beautiful words and sentiments. I am terribly unworthy of such praise, however.
    I would like to follow your journey, as I struggle with my own. I will be praying for you.
    Let's stand up and fight together!
    Um, not with each other. I mean, together against the same enemy. OK. Just making that clear. : )
